Welcome to In the Zone Baseball
Winter Pitching Clinic: January 6 - February 28, 2025
Location -The Hub: 635 N. Oakridge Dr., Port Angeles
What kids will learn:
● Pitching Strategy ● Pitching Mechanics ● Ball Grips & Different Pitches ● Mental Toughness and Life Skills ● Arm Strengthening Exercises Arm Care ● Routines for Weekly Practice

AAA / Minors
Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday

Cal Ripkin Majors
Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday
6:15pm - 7:25pm

Junior Babe Ruth / High School
Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday
7:30pm - 8:40pm
Clinic Cost
Early Registration, Before November 24th:
$325 ($250 per sibling and $300 returning players)
Registration, November 24 - Dec 31:
$350 ($275 per sibling and $325 for returning players)
Weekly Option: $50 per week ($45 per sibling)
New Player Returning Player Sibling